Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian
life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door, which
gives access to the other sacraments. (Catechism of the Catholic
The Sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on
the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month, at 2:00PM, (* unless otherwise noted).
Here is a list of upcoming dates:
January 27 February 10 February 24
March 10 March 24 April 14 April 28
Prior to the Baptism, Parents and Godparents
are asked to participate in a conversation/instruction about
Baptism. This takes place in the Gathering Space in the lower
Church, following the 9:00 AM Family Mass, once a month. Here
is a list of upcoming preparation dates:
February 3, 2019
March 3, 2019
April 7, 2019
Baptismal Godparents are: Godfather and Godmother. You are required to have one Godparent who is a Baptized and Confirmed Catholic. Ideally, the second godparent is also baptized and confired. However, the second Godparent may be baptized Christian.
Please obtain from the Godparents their Confirmation certificate. If not Confirmed the Godparent will need to have a Baptismal Certificate. These certficates are to be requested from the parish that the Godparent received the Sacrament.
This information should be sent to St. Agatha Parish c/o Kathy Monahan. Please place a note in the envelope with the Child's name and date of upcoming Baptism.
To make arrangement for a Baptism, you may visit our new website to complete an online Registration Form:
Click here to Schedule a Baptism Online...
Or you may call Lisa Gulino, our Pastoral Associate, at the rectory,
617-698-2439, Ext. 209
Or you may send an email:
[email protected]